Friday, June 19, 2009

Will having fun make me happier than studying?

Well, for many school boys right now, the answer would be, maybe, a yes. However, does having fun really beat studying? I agree, for many students, school workload now is tremendous, and they would very much like a break from all the school work they are doing. Thus, they have voted for having fun. School work may be tough, but it is necessary. If we do not study, our knowledge would come to a slower pace in terms of problem solving and calculation. Fun is good, but too much fun would make you idle, and make your brain stale. While having fun promises you of much leisure, studying promises you a brighter future. When the odds are weighed, to me, I do think that studying will make me happier in the long run.

Now, i shall state explicitly why I chose studying that will make me happpier, seems weird to many of you. But still, I insist on making this stand. Why, you say, now I shall tell you why. Look, you are given one whole month of holidays, with no homework! How will you spend it? I doubt that you would be occupied for the whole holidays doing all kinds of different activities. There would bound to be a time where you get bored of playing, where you would feel this horrible empty feeling in you. It will be this time, that you would be cooping yourself up with the computer, playing, though you do not really feel like it. Finally, you give in, and pick up a book to read. There, you have succumbed to the awesome powers of studying. Reversibly, studying can keep you occupied for the whole of the holidays, with also some time for a break and fun. Studying almost never gets ruled out. Even if you are really sure of the topic, you can always read through it again and hammer the concept deeper into your mind. Unlike idling around and searching for "fun", you can always learn more things, learning is a never ending journey,which is why you will never find yourself out of stuff to study. So, all in all, I would say that studying will indeed, make me happier.

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