I think that most of you here, when you see this lame old topic, immediately think of Negroes or foreign workers that have a darker skin complexion than us. However, my post today is not on that kind of ostracism that has already been debated and spoken about for a few hundred years. Rather, I will be discussing on the discrimination not of skin colour, but rather, one kind of ostracism that many many people have been through. I shall not tell you the exact kind of ostracism I am talking about here through definition but rather, through a short scenario.(I know this trick is old)
Student A: Hmmm! What a nice weather today. I think I shall take a short jog round the track!
(Puts down bag and starts jogging)
Student B: Eh? Isn't that the dwarf from 2K2 (Class changed to protect identity) "sprinting" round the track?
Student C: I think is him leh! Eh let's go "sprint" with him la.
(Put down their bags and sprint to the track, jogging next to Student A)
Student B: Woah! Not bad eh? The dwarf knows how to run leh! I'm very impressed!
Student C: Looks like our "teachings" worked after all eh? Finally can move his legs front and back! Oh, I feel so honoured!
Student A: (Stares at them and returns to his bag)
Students B and C: Aiyo, jog so little cannot run already, maybe his little dwarf lungs cannot take the huffing and puffing running causes.
Student A: (Quickly walks away.)
As it is pretty clear now, the kind of ostracism I am talking about is about body build and size. Many people around the world have been ostracized due to their body size, whether they are too big sized or too skinny. These people are normally shunned at school or any place else. They are tormented day after day by insults about their body size. These people take the insults, feel hurt, but normally can do nothing about it. Those people with a more average body size continue to insult them as they think it is fun and allows them to feel as if they are some great dictator. This could and most probably will scar those people emotionally. All I want to say here, is that nobody can determine the figure of your body. If you are obese, there is a slim chance that you will slim down to a "normal" body size anytime soon and if you are skinny, eating a lot will not help either, so my blog post here today is to put through the point that nobody can choose what his or her body is like, but they can feel less hurt if people do not ostracize them. Therefore, we have to stop this kind of ostracism before it really gets out of hand and the ostracized goes through a tough regime to get his body in shape which might endanger his health. However, this ostracism is very hard to curb as long as there are people that one to feel as if they are lords by insulting other people of different body sizes. Therefore, if one is on the receiving end of these insults, I say just take it as a small breeze of dirty air and blow it away, so as to enjoy the cleaner and fresher air around you that is your true friends.