Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Earth is SHAKING

Yes. The earth is shaking. I am pretty sure that everyone here has already heard of the terrible and horrifying ordeal that has struck Japan. An 8.9 magnitude has struck Japan, leaving thousands dead and destroying vast areas of property. The earthquake triggered massive tsunamis that crash and destroy and crush and mangle and obliterate anything and everything in its path. The Earthquake has also caused the explosion of a nuclear reactor in Fukushima, sending radioactive material floating all around the twisted wreckage of Japan.

Japan is now struggling. Devastation, chaos and grief fills the radioactive air as people scramble to safety and for loved ones. The elements have struck mankind. The water has shown its might by leveling anything in the path of the fearsome tsunamis. The air strikes a dirty blow by spreading radioactive materials, contaminating food and water. The land deals the most damage by its terrible rumbles that send people scrambling for support and buildings totally destroyed.

Japan is now in ruins. People can only watch hopelessly as huge waves and crumbling earthquakes suck in monstrous buildings and fling cruise ships around like little rubber duckies. mother nature has issued a challenge. A price to pay for our ignorance at protecting her. People are left with broken homes, broken families and broken hearts. Japan's lush honeymoon feeling is now replaced with panic and distraught. Industries have shut down, businesses stopped and trade comes to a screeching halt. Japan is being hit from all different angles, economically, politically and socially.

Mother nature has struck a near-fatal blow to Japan

Countries are now trying to help save Japan from this insane crisis. Financial aid is pouring in, food and rations supply injected in to resuscitate the unconscious Japan. well-wishes come in torrents, keeping the spirits of affected Japanese afloat. It is only through a disaster like that then only would you know how many people actually care for you a great deal. The Japanese have shown great strength, rising out of the tides of this disaster and shining light in the face of the shadows of destruction. Youths volunteer to help with rationing and administration stuff in order to keep evacuation and refugee shelters running smoothly and comfortably. No one is shown to be exceptionally selfish, people still queue up properly to use phones and get food in spite of the monstrous catastrophe that has struck them. For this, I really admire their mental courage as well as the discipline that has been instilled into each and everyone of them from the very day they were born.

From this incident, we have witnessed how fragile human life can be. We may seem so strong, so smart, so powerful in this world, in the end, when your heart stops beating, there you go. Life is like a candle, burning so bright and strong, while the wax slowly drips down to the "deadline" The flame burns brighter in light breezes, but goes out immediately with a forceful blow. So we must always learn to treasure life. Live life to the fullest, live in the moment, and live like theres no tomorrow. Help others in need, cause you never know when you're gonna need some help yourself.

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